Biggest 3d print I've done for him so far: (the bowser)
The gem/crystal is printed in a multi-color filament.
A place for me to catalog all the junk I make for my kid and other peoples kids
Biggest 3d print I've done for him so far: (the bowser)
The gem/crystal is printed in a multi-color filament.
So recently my son has been asking for new audio on his TonieBox. Most of the time he falls asleep before the 2nd/3rd/4th chapter/audio play, so I decided to make an automated tonie-shuffle script.
A toniebox is basically an mp3 player, that lets you pick what audio you want by using little action figures (it uses rfid similar to amiibo like the switch). You can also upload your own audio with special creative tonies. I use these tonies to upload audio from his favorite tv shows.
This batch script rips the audio from "totally legally" obtained tv shows.
If there is interest (comment or contact me irl/elsewhere) I could hack together a easier to use web-version, maybe even make it take youtube videos/playlists/spotify/etc)
1 | for /r %%i in (*.mkv) do ffmpeg -y -err_detect ignore_err -i "%%i" -map 0:a:0 -c copy -c:a aac "%%~ni.m4a" |
This python script gets all the tonies, wipes them, and associates each creative tonie with a specific folder. Then gets all the audio files in that folder, shuffles them, and keeps adding them until the tonie is full.
Simple script, but should provide a bunch of fresh bedtime "stories" for him to fall asleep with.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 | import os import logging import random import ffmpeg from tonie_api import TonieAPI //dictionary of toniename, to sub-folder to associate specific tonies with specific shows my_tonies = {'Blue': 'sonic prime', 'Blue Hero': 'ultimate spiderman', 'Gray': 'octonauts', 'Green': 'teen titans go', 'Pink': 'miraculous', 'Pink Hero': 'spectacular spiderman', 'Pirate': 'tmnt', 'Vampire': 'marvels spiderman' } path = "folder containing audio" dry_run = True def get_all(path): files = [] count = 0 for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path): for filename in filenames: full_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) files.append(full_path) print("") return files # set up detailed logging logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) api = TonieAPI(', 'password') # update all housholds, returns IDs of households households = api.households_update() for household in households: if households[household] == 'HOUSEHOLD NAME': our_household = household print(f"Our HousedholdID: {our_household}") # update all creative tonies, returns IDs of creative tonies tonies = api.households[our_household].creativetonies_update() print(tonies) for tonie in tonies: print(f"\nTonie Id: {tonie} Name: {tonies[tonie]} Audio: {my_tonies[tonies[tonie]]}") audio_folder = f"{path}\\{my_tonies[tonies[tonie]]}" time_left = 5400 if os.path.exists(audio_folder): if not dry_run: api.households[our_household].creativetonies[tonie].remove_all_chapters() print(f"Cleared tonie: {tonie}") files = get_all(audio_folder) random.shuffle(files) for file in files: info = ffmpeg.probe(file) duration = float(info['format']['duration']) if duration < time_left: time_left = time_left - duration filename = os.path.split(file)[1] print(f"Uploading: {filename} duration:{duration} left: {time_left}") if not dry_run: api.households[our_household].creativetonies[tonie].upload(file, filename) else: print("Skipping...") |
When your son wants an action figure that doesn't exist... You 3d print it! Here is what it looks like in the game. And here is what I ...